For the love of dogsGentle Pet Care Services first opened its den in 2011 to offer a pet boarding service to the growing number of people who realize that dogs are not just pets. Pups are friends, companions and family members. And they’re individuals with unique personalities and needs.They also understood that more than ever before, today's busy lifestyles make it difficult to give pets the attention, structure, training, exercise and mental stimulation necessary for happy and well-rounded lives. And the reality is, dogs crated or isolated for extended periods are deprived of social interaction, and can become lethargic or destructive. Pet boarding kennels and pet sitting are a happy alternative for you and your furry friends.They are committed to providing a clean, healthy, fun and nurturing environment for dog boarding while you're away. With focus on exercise, socialization and training, when you're reunited with your pooch after dog daycare service at the end of the day, you'll enjoy the company of your happier, healthier, better-behaved dog, friend, companion and family member.

226 County Road 5
Mallorytown ON K0E 1R0
